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Zelezny Brod world - renowned place with glassmaking tradition is located about 100 km to the north of the capital Prague in the valley of Jizera river. Direction nordeast there are the biggest Czech mountains Krkonose and nordwest there is a rotund-shape skyline of Jizerske mountains. Direction south there is a picturesque scenery called Czech paradise with romantic „stonetowns" and ruins of many castles. replica tonino lamborghini spyder watch replica watch forum malaysia replica watches longines master collection swiss replica watch company

The region was often visited by many famous people especially by the artist who were here searching for the inspiration. At the end of 19th and the beginning of the 20th century there was a great boom in tourism and the visitors had a chance to visite about thirty view- towers and dozens of beautifull outlook places all over the area.

The history of glassmaking in Krkonose and Jizerske mountains is dated 1370 - 1380AD . There was enough wood in the mountain areas which was used for the heating of the glass furnaces, wooden ashes was a source of potass , one of the most important raw material fundamental for preparation of the glass substance.

A crucial boundary-stone of the glassmaking development in the region was opening of the Arts and Crafts School in Zelezny Brod in the year 1920

The unique landscape of Zeleznobrodsko region significantly formed the art sensation of local glassmakers and became a base of the uniqueness of the term „Zeleznobrodske sklo"


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